ART work

Posted by dasfseegdse Rabu, 10 Maret 2010 0 komentar
As most of you regular readers know my sister Patti is an artist. Our house is full of her pieces and almost every month we switch out some of them with the most current and newest works she's done. Here is a piece that has won her some awards and prestigious mentions in her University's papers as well as being selected to hang in a downtown gallery. It will be replaced (sadly) in a week's time when it goes off to the gallery for one all I can do is enjoy it for now. Interesting fact, my sister is also studying to become a doctor so all of her art features medical subtext and inspirations. Her painting below is actually a zoomed version of an iris (someone's eye) and her print is actually a cross section and zoomed view of blood cells.

She also does prints as well (last picture shown). Can you tell I am a very proud sister!

If anyone likes Patti's work you can commission her to do a custom piece for you or pick from her portfolio of work. Just email me.
Judul: ART work
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
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