No man is an island...

Posted by dasfseegdse Minggu, 22 November 2009 0 komentar
I am in the brain storming and colour choosing process of my kitchen reno. Besides refacing all of my 26 cabinets, drawers and pantry, I also need seating options for a small bungalow eat in kitchen. I don't have a ton of space so I thought that an island would work, as it is counter height and would free up the much needed floor space in the kitchen.

I sourced a lot of places in hopes of having an island ready made to use, but that costs a lot of $$$$ my friends, and Christmas is around the see my point? So after hours and hours of surfing the net I decided I am going to build one!

Okay I know I love any DIY as much as the next person, but this is a tad different, this invloves measurements and cutting, I mean at least I like the painting part of it! Me and measurements are not friends, we never have been.

But I can't help think with a little patience I can have something like this when all is said and done, and I've thrown the last tape measure across the room!


Do you guys think I am capable of such great design, how hard can it be right? ( Liz bites her lip in nervous laughter)
Judul: No man is an island...
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