Hipster found the wiffy

Posted by dasfseegdse Rabu, 27 November 2013 0 komentar
This marks day 3 without Internet in our loft. Which would be no big deal if I weren't counting on these days to get all of my work done before we travel for Thanksgiving. But not to worry I've found some free "wiffy" as Nick would say on New Girl. It is snowing, I found a coffee shop with free wiffy within a very short walking distance. Even the fact that my bag carrying my laptop broke and...

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Thankfulness Recently

Posted by dasfseegdse Minggu, 24 November 2013 0 komentar
Seeing that this is the week/month of thanks I suppose a thankfulness post is in order. I'm thankful forFriends who will kill themselves helping us move.   A puppy dog who is adjusting to life without a yard. Parents who will drive to Roanoke for one day to help unpack and bring a new coffee pot. Siblings who love Jesus and spent the weekend together worshipping him. Friendly "hellos"...

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Happy New Year 2014 Wallpaper

Posted by dasfseegdse Jumat, 22 November 2013 0 komentar
Happy New Year Wallpapers 2014New Year Wallpapers 2014Fabulous New Year Wallpaper 2014Golden Lines New Year Wallpaper 2014Colourful Happy New Year 2014 WallpapersColoring picture chinese new year 2013 snakeMarvelous Friendship Messages Happy New Year 2014 PicturesWonderful Wish Happy New Year 2014 WallpapersPainting Flowers Happy New Year Wallpapers 2014Black Red Happy New Year 2014 WallpapersCelebrations...

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Mountains Foot Vegetation Fall Height

Posted by dasfseegdse Kamis, 21 November 2013 0 komentar

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Black Honda S2000 Hair Pin desktop PC and Mac wallpaper

Posted by dasfseegdse 0 komentar

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City Park Leaves Fall Bench Wallpapers

Posted by dasfseegdse 0 komentar

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Posted by dasfseegdse Senin, 18 November 2013 0 komentar
Happiest of Mondays to you. Mine started out with a bang when I literally fell into Auburn Middle School this morning. I honestly fell in the front door and landed on hands and knees. I currently have ice on my right knee and my pride is sorely bruised. We move on Friday and I am way behind on school work but my recent injuries lead me to believe I need relaxation time. So I'm blogging and watching...

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The last weekend

Posted by dasfseegdse Minggu, 10 November 2013 0 komentar
It's something like the last supper but not as important. I mean you don't need to break bread in remembrance, although that's precisely what we did this morning for brunch. Next weekend we will be traveling home to haul about half of our material possessions to my parents and the next weekend is moving weekend!!! Therefore this was our last weekend hoo-ra in the Burg. Unfortunately, it didn't...

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Blacksburg: A Love Story

Posted by dasfseegdse Jumat, 08 November 2013 0 komentar
This town has been soo good to us. Drew has been here 6 and 1/2 years and I have been here 2 and 1/2. It will be so hard to leave, even just to go an hour away. Blacksburg is where:We adopted our puppy. We made dear friends. We discovered we like sushi. We grew in our faith beyond belief and discovered our callings. We survived a derecho. We grew our first garden. We became environmentalists....

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